Off-Page SEO

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Besides work that can be done on your website pages, there are other very important off-page SEO factors.

These factors show the search engines what kind of authority your website/page is. These off-page factors show the search engines what the rest of the world wide web thinks of your page. Like we mentioned before, search engines are in the business relevant search results, so looking to outside factors as indicators is a way for search engines to see if your page truly is an authority for the keywords and phrases you want to be found for.

These are the off-page SEO factors that you want to concentrate on to build up your page’s authority and search engine placement.


Page Links

Exactly how links influence search engines can get complicated, but it comes down to one basic concept: get your website linked on to the most relevant and authoritative pages for the keywords that you want to be found for.

People oftentimes think that all links are the same, but that just isn’t true. There are definitely good links and bad links, so you want to make sure your page is linked on the best possible and most relevant sources.

If you want to be found for “apple pie” and your page has a link on a page that is considered a good authority on apple pie, then that backlink will be a lot stronger compared to being linked on a page for “new cars”.


Social Indicators

With the growth of social networks and people sharing different information, the search engines use social indicators as a ranking factor.

You can think of it as your site getting a vote of confidence if it is being shared socially.



Those two factors are considered the most influential for off-page SEO.

Unfortunately, if you are a small shop or just starting out in your industry, you will be behind the big boys and there is no way around it. That is why you see the companies that have been around the longest and are the biggest in their respective industries at the top of all the searches.

That doesn’t mean that you have no chance to show up though; you just have to go into it with the right expectations. Going after less competitive keywords, being patient, and following these proven off-page SEO tactics will get you climbing the search engine results eventually.

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