How to Connect MLO Shift to Your Funnels

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Please note that the leadPops Support team will do this for you! Email with your Zapie and CRM information as well as the exact form(s) you would like connected to it and we'll complete this free of charge.


MLO Shift has specific automations that can be triggered when a lead is generated. We use Zapier to connect leadPops to MLO Shift, however, simply creating a zap to send a lead will not be enough to trigger your automations. There should be multiple automation campaigns in your MLO Shift account, so be sure to determine which ones you'd like to use. Then, use this guide to help  connect this automation. 

To start, check out our guide:

How to use Zapier to connect leadPops funnels with your CRM

Kindly note that when searching for your apps within Zapier, you'll need to search for leadPops and ActiveCampaign. ActiveCampaign is the tool that MLOShift uses for this purpose; you'll still use your MLO Shift login credentials via ActiveCampaign.


Then follow the MLO Shift guide below:

Within the MLO Shift video, there are a few parts of the process we'll help illustrate: 

1. When creating your MLO Shift/Active Campaign Zap, you are going to want to create a “Tag”  



2. When naming the Tag, it is suggested to use [LEADSOURCE] NAME OF TAG for tracking purposes



3. Save, then complete a test in Zapier to confirm everything is working so far. Next, log into MLO Shift to verify that “Tag” was populated:




4. Then in MLO Shift go to the “Automations” section. You will want to select your automation and then edit it.

In order to connect to the automation you've selected, copy the tag you created in Zapier exactly how it appears. Then, in the editing options for the automation in MLOShift, you will see this area at the top to edit and connect the automation: 



5. In the edit options for the automation you will update the “Tag” field as such:



At this point, all has been connected for the automation to work!

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