Optimizing your emails in 7 simple steps
When it comes to marketing, an email has the ability to reach a huge audience faster and cheaper than just about anything else. The average working adult checks their email over 100 times per day. Which means, if you’re not sending out meaningful email drip campaigns, you’re leaving money on the table. Now, don’t get me wrong, you might not hit a home-run with your first email drip campaign. But every at-bat counts.
With email being a cornerstone of the workplace culture, it’s an extremely cost effective avenue for staying in front of your sphere of influence.
A well executed email can entice consumers to take action, convert them into customers, and eventually, repeat clients and referrals.
So, what’s the secret? How do you hit it out of the park and generate business from emails? Well, there really is no “magic recipe”. However, we can provide you with our best practices when it comes to sending out monthly newsletters and content-rich emails that provide value to your clients.
Follow our 7-step checklist to help convert more of your recipients into customers from your next email marketing campaign.
Step 1: Use a Clever and Engaging Subject Line
As mentioned above, the average working adult checks their email over 100 times per day. At that rate, you can bet TONS of emails are being sent and received.
The subject line is your opportunity to make your email stand out from the crowd. A few different types of subject lines you can try are those that:
- Create Curiosity
- Create urgency
- Use Social Proof
- Tell a story
Just make sure that if you make a claim in your subject line to increase open rates, you deliver content relevant to that promise inside the email.
Step 2: Keep It Simple and Use Basic Text
Don’t overload your emails with too much HTML or a lot of images. Keep in mind that people that open emails are just regular people.
The more human you can come across in your emails, the better they’ll be received. So drop the overly professional language and hoopla and and keep it simple.
If you’re using an automated email software be sure to personalize those emails.
You don’t want your automated emails to come across as spammy and robotic.
Step 3: Be Concise, Provide Value and Use Call-To-Action
Again, keep it simple and easy to find the main points and your readers will be grateful. The attention span of an online consumer is short, so get to the point.
Keep the purpose aligned with the content and the action you want your recipient to take.
Direct your recipients with calls-to-action that move them toward the desired goal, whether it’s a click to a landing page, a phone call, or other.
For example, if you’re sending out an email regarding refinancing… direct them to find out how much they can save every month by using your refinance analysis tool (a refinance-specific landing page).
Just be sure to include a prominent call-to-action button and/or text link for your consumers to click on that drives them to the next destination – ideally, a Funnel or landing page.
Step 4: Create A Clickable Link Within Your Email Campaign to Your Landing Page
Along with providing your recipients the direction you want them to take, make it simple for them to know where to click. Include a call to action button and/or test links related to your email subject.
Step 5: Use a Landing Page with a SMART Form to Collect Additional Info
You can’t expect people to pick up the phone and call you as a result of an email you sent them. I know you want the phone to ring - in an ideal world, that would happen every time. But in today’s market, if you’re not channeling those email recipients to a dedicated landing page to get the ball rolling, you’re missing out on opportunities left and right.
Keep in mind, leads in your database need to be rekindled. The fact that they’re on your list and you email them from time to time doesn’t automatically equate to business.
The goal is to separate the serious potential sales from the rest, and convert them from an email recipient/click into a conversation.
You accomplish this by tying a dedicated landing page into your email with clickable links and/or call-to-action buttons that drive them off of the email and into your capture tool – ideally, a landing page that’s relevant to the topic of the email with a SMART form built in.
A SMART form doesn’t just ask for contact information. Rather, it asks qualifying questions in a friendly, non-intimidating, easy-to-answer way that helps you gauge the quality of the lead and better prepare for the follow up call.
Shameless plug: leadPops develops, hands down, the best mortgage landing pages and SMART forms in the industry. We call them Funnels.
Connect emails to Funnels with a quick copy + paste to enjoy an increase in qualified leads and sales from your email marketing efforts today.
Step 6: Automate Your Follow up With Autoresponders
The more you automate your follow up, the more time you’ll have for more important things - like closing loans and spending time with family.
Integrate Funnels with your email software so that any leads that come in drop right into your email marketing software. This alone can save you hours of data entry throughout the year.
Check out our guide on how to integrate your CRM here.
Step 7: Optimize Every Click
While you won’t close every lead that responds to your emails, you CAN monetize every aspect of your marketing, and earn leveraged income by optimizing your thank you page.
Read more about “Thank You Page Optimization” and learn how to make money on autopilot, while you sleep, even when leads don’t close.
Follow these 7 proven steps to take your email campaigns from “hope and pray” marketing, to strategically positioning yourself to convert emails into sales at a higher rate than you ever thought possible.
As I said earlier, you may not hit a home run on every at-bat, but when you optimize you email campaign like the big boys, you’ll create more opportunities and you’ll convert more emails into sales.
After all, that’s what leadPops is all about- creating opportunities to help you increase sales and get better results from everything you’re doing.
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