What are rebel paths?
What kind of rebel Paths can I create?
We have three different styles of rebel Paths. ... -
Why should I use rebel Paths?
Not only do rebel paths turn the content you sh... -
Can you give me some examples?
Absolutely! Here are a few ways we’ve seen clie...
Create a rebel Path
Start creating your rebel Path
We developed an easy-to-use editor for you to c... -
Step 1 - Basic Setup
Any time you open the editor, you’ll start on S... -
Step 2 - Design
Time for the fun part - design. This is when yo... -
Step 3 - Settings
Design is done! But wait! There’s more!! Now ... -
Step 4 - Activate
The last step! Now that your rebel Path is set ... -
Optimize your video for a rebel Path
If you're including a video on your rebel Path,...
View and Share Your Links!
View Your rebel Path
From your Rebel Path Dashboard, start by clicki... -
Copy the rebel Path Link
Once your rebel Path is activated, it’s time to... -
Share on Social Media
We made it as easy to share your rebel Path lin... -
Create and Edit the Clixly Link
Sometimes a Clixly Short Link just looks better...
Manage Your rebel Paths
Open Your rebel Paths Dashboard
To get to your dashboard, click the rebel Paths... -
Search for a rebel Path
Your Rebel Path dashboard includes a few differ... -
Edit Content
You can always edit the content of your rebel P... -
Change the Name
A good name for your rebel Path can make it a l... -
Change the Status
The status of your rebel Path determines whethe... -
Add Tags
Tags are another great way for you to organize ...
Analyze Your rebel Path Stats
Review the rebel Path Summary
The rebel Path Summary at the top of your dashb... -
Get Specific rebel Path Stats
Once you activate a rebel Path, we start collec... -
Install Pixel Codes
Don’t forget, if you use Google Pixel Codes, yo... -
Use Tags for Better Analytics
Adding tags to your rebel Paths and then using ... -
Create an A/B Test
A/B testing is comparing the stats of one rebel...