Set Up Lead Alerts

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Set up your lead alerts to send instant lead notification to your email and your cell phone.  

Please reach out to the leadPops support team so that we can help you with this. We are happy to do this for you. Email with the email address(es) you'd like added to which form(s) and we'll do this step for you. If you're more of the Do-It-Yourself type of person, follow the steps below! 

Your email should be set up to receive alerts right out of the box, but you can add your cell phone and also additional lead alert recipients for business partners, assistants, referral partners, etc.


Here are instructions on how to add a lead alert to your leadPops form. Watch the video or follow along below:




1) Log into your leadPops account here --

  • IMPORTANT: if you see the Fast Track To Success menu appear, click on the blue X at the top right of the screen (as shown below)



2) Click on the form that you want to edit (i.e. 203k Home Finder)



3) Under Edit, click on the Lead Alerts 



4) Click on the blue Add Recipient button to the right of screen



5) Enter in the lead recipients contact info in the fields provided. Make sure to click the Add Recipient button!


6) Great job! You just learned how to add a lead recipient to your leadPops form 

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