The last step! Now that your rebel Path is set up for success, it’s time to put it out in the world and start getting clicks.
Before we do that, though, take one last look at your rebel Path. Double-check your spelling, your links, your buttons. Everything.
Go back through the first 3 steps if you need to. You can change almost everything. Now you’re ready to ACTIVATE.
The instructions for STEP 4 depend on the location type you selected when you first started creating your rebel Path.
On leadPops Forms
This one’s easy. Like, we-already-did-the-work-for-you easy.
If your rebel Path is set to appear on a Lead Form, all you need to do to activate it is set the toggle in the editor to GREEN.
Once that toggle is GREEN, your rebel Path will appear next time and every time a visitor goes to the Lead Form links you selected.
But don’t leave it at that. Share out that link again! From here, you can also copy the URL, share the URL on social media, and create a Clixly Short Link.
See also: View and Share your links!
On Your Own Website
This one takes a little more work, but very much worth it.
- First, ACTIVATE the rebel Path by clicking the toggle in the editor.
A modal will open for you to toggle the activation for the different URL paths you entered earlier. - Note the status is PENDING and YELLOW - not ACTIVE and GREEN. That’s because we still need to install the code snippet on your website.
- Open the “I can install code myself” section and click the code to copy the snippet.
- Paste the code snippet before the closing </body> tag in your website’s code.
Don’t have access to the code yourself? Select the “Send to website admin” option, and then click SEND TO WEBSITE ADMIN.
A modal will open with an email already started for you to send to the website admin with the code snippet and instructions already included. Fill out the email, and send it off.
Once you get confirmation the snippet is installed, you can come back and see the status is ACTIVE and GREEN.
If you don’t have a technical person on your team, go ahead and select the “Let us help you” option, then click LET US DO IT FOR YOU FOR FREE.
We’ll need a login for your website, so a modal will pop up for you to provide one, but after that, we can take care of everything else.
All good? Great! You’re ready to rock and roll and start seeing the difference your rebel Path makes.
See also: View and Share your links!
On a 3rd Party Website or Page
This one is also easy since we’re technically creating a Clixly Short Link for you to share rather than embedding the rebel Path within the 3rd party website.
All you need to do to activate it is set the toggle in the editor to GREEN.
Once that toggle is GREEN, leadPops creates a Clixly Short Link for your rebel Path, so it will appear next time and every time a visitor goes to that link.
To copy and share your link, click the VIEW REBEL PATH and SHARE REBEL PATH buttons.
See also: View and Share your links!
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