Creating a Google Product Card Using Funnels

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One big benefit of leadPops and Google is the ability to utilize our funnels with Google’s feature called Product Cards

After you have created your Google Business profile and it has been approved by Google, you can now add your loan options as product cards and use our funnels as a call to action! 


Setting up a Product Card

  1. Sign in to the Google Account you use to manage your Business Profile 
  2. Choose Edit profile > Products > Add product. To edit or delete products by selecting them from the product list.
  3. Fill out the fields to submit a product.
    1. Product Name: This should be the name of your loan product you are offering
    2. Product Image: You can source free stock images from sites like or to find related photos for each product card. Suggested size of 1200px x 900px to fit best.
    3. Category: You will need to create categories to put products under. Making a “Loan” category would be just fine as well but you can make a Conventional or VA category as well. 
    4. Product Price: Do not put anything here, it is optional
    5. Product Description: Describe your loan product here! Ideally this would be the same text information you use for your Extra Content section of your form! 
    6. Add a button: This is the most important step! 
      1. Select the drop down and select “Learn More” or “Get Offer”
    7. Link for your button: this is where you add your form URL!

It may take a few minutes for the products you add or edit to appear. We recommend you wait a few minutes and refresh the page after making changes.


Important: Recently edited products and categories display first in the Product Catalog. To showcase a product, make a minor update to the item to bring it to the top of the catalog.

Important: Images for cover photos should be a 4:3 ratio. 1200px x 900px was found to be a good size for your product cards! 


What form should I connect to my product card? 

I would recommend using the Hybrid Versions of our Funnels for most loan products so that way you cover the client’s desire to either purchase or refinance. 


How can I optimize my form for this type of feature? 

Make sure you take advantage of the Extra Content section and really tell the customer about the offer and what separates you from your competitors! 


What else can I do to optimize my form? 

Utilize a video on the thank you page to tell the consumer what they can expect next and that you will be reaching out! We have scripts for you to use here!  

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