Email or Text a Single Lead

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Sometimes you want to send a personal message, but you still want to track your communication history. 

In that case, you can send an email or text to a single lead through their profile from your My Leads dashboard.

To contact a single lead:

  1. Search for your lead from the My Leads dashboard.
    See also: Search for a Lead
  2. Hover your mouse over their Name in the table.
  3. Click either Quick profile to stay on the dashboard or Full profile to open their profile on a new page.
    • From the Quick Profile, click either the Send Email or Send Text buttons at the bottom of the profile.

      A window will open for you to type in the email or text message and then send it.
    • For the Full Profile, go to either the SEND EMAIL or SEND TEXT tabs in the middle of the screen, and send your message that way.

No matter which method you choose, the same rules apply:

  • Emails can include formatting and attachments
  • Text messages can be up to 250 characters long
  • You can add additional recipients to either
  • We’ll add the sent message to the lead’s Communication History

It’s as easy as that.

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